To design a ceramic product with commercial appeal that could be produced by artisans from a local cooperative workshop using their current production tools and methods.

Based on the concept of “territorial design”, the product must highlight an unique feature of where we live, such as flora, fauna or cultural tradition, therefore adding value to our territory.
Wheel throwing and slip coiling are the only techniques used at the workshop. During interview, the artisans voiced a preference for wheel throwing as it is better for demonstrating their manual abilities.
Buriti is a palm tree abundant in Maranhão. It has a strong economic value in our territory, so it was the perfect subject to draw inspiration. For this project, I chose to design a light fixture.
Luminária Buriti
Buriti changes tone of red according to how ripe it is.
Sketch in black and white of Luminária Buriti
Luminária Buriti
The overall shape of buriti inspired the product to be modular
Luminária Buriti - Projeto de Design Industrial - Gabriel Mendes
3D rendering for product visualization.
Luminária Buriti - Projeto de Design Industrial - Gabriel MendesLuminária Buriti - Projeto de Design Industrial - Gabriel Mendes
Module of the Buriti Light Fixture receiving grooves in early stage of production.
Luminária Buriti - Projeto de Design Industrial - Gabriel Mendes
Cutting out holes for light to scape and to place hangers and connectors.
Luminária Buriti - Projeto de Design Industrial - Gabriel Mendes
Modules after first bake.
Luminária Buriti - Projeto de Design Industrial - Gabriel Mendes
Modules receive a coat of glazing.
Luminária Buriti - Projeto de Design Industrial - Gabriel Mendes
Demonstration of modules being stacked. Due to unexpected event during the course of this class project (a strike of teachers and staff), this class was cut short and the Buriti Light Fixture prototype stopped at this stage. However, the 3D model below demonstrates details of lighting and hanging.
Luminária Buriti - Projeto de Design Industrial - Gabriel Mendes



In this project, I created a light fixture that resembles the “buriti”, a fruit from a palm tree abundant in Maranhão, my state in Brazil. 

According to Lia Krucken (2009), designers must create products that add value to their local territory. This was my goal in this project. 

Here in Maranhão, artisan ceramics shops are spread all around but their products do not represent such a protagonism in our economy as they could. This project is a little step to change that.

On the other hand, the buriti palm tree already has a valuable impact in our local economy.

My goal was to create an elegant light fixture that could easily be reproduced by our local ceramics artisans in their methods. That product, in its quality and elegance, can contribute to the perception of value and identity of our territory.

Besides the attractive visuals, the product also has a modular way of using, making it versatile and sales-attractive for the artisans.

Luminária buriti

Ferramentas usadas:

Neste projeto, criei uma luminária que remete ao fruto do Buriti, ícone da nossa flora maranhense.

Pelas palavras de Lia Krucken (2009), os designers devem criar produtos que agreguem valor ao território local e esse foi o objetivo deste projeto.

Aqui no Maranhão, as oficinas de cerâmica artesanal estão espalhadas pelo estado, mas seus produtos ainda não desempenham um papel importante na economia como deveriam. Este projeto é um avanço para mudar isso.

A palmeira buriti tem grande impacto econômico no Maranhão. Seu tronco, folhas e frutos são utilizados em diversas áreas, inclusive na criação de fibras de Buriti amplamente utilizadas em trabalhos artesanais. Certamente é um dos nossos tesouros naturais.

Meu objetivo era criar uma luminária que pudesse ser facilmente feita à mão pelos artesãos locais e adequada para a produção em roda de oleiro, a ferramenta mais utilizada na região.

Além disso, o produto é esteticamente atraente e tem várias maneiras de ser usado, visto que foi pensado para ser um produto modular.

Project Gallery:

Project Gallery: